Established in 1915, we are one of the oldest Japanese language schools.

Summer Class for Teens & Kids(for 10 weeks)
-Teens’ Class –from 6/15 to 8/17 (11:30 to 12:30--- $170) - Kids’ Class -- from 6/15 to 8/1 (10am to 11am--- $170)
Adult beginner’s class: starts 6/5
- Every Wednesday from8:30 to 9:30 pm (monthly-4 times $60)
Private tutoring: Mostly weekday morning (4 times $100)
+registration fee 20
Please contact: hideo kuwahara <hollywoodjls5@gmail.com>
Class schedule 
・We do lot of conversation and listening practice
・Class size is small: 3 to 5 people (learn faster)
・Private tutoring: adjust to your level, more talk and listening ⇒ learn faster
・Class fee: reular class: $60 for four times ・private class: $100 for four times
Cf. US average: $30 to &$70 for class/ $40 to $100 for private per hour
★School address: 3929 Middlebury St. Los Angeles, CA (near 101 w Vermont Ave.)
Image of Japan (illustration © 2022 Meppelstatt )

Do you know three big difference between Japanese and English?
1. Japanese use three different writings, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji
1. Hiragana ひらがな
Hints: how to memorize Hiragana?

2. Katakana カタカナ
3. Kanji 漢字
Ⅱ. Japanese sentence structure is different from English
Japanese: S (subject) + O (object) + V (verb)
English: S (subject) + V (verb) + O (object)

Ⅲ. Japanese pronunciation
◆ consonants + 5 vowels (a, i, u, e, o)

◆ Intonation pattern
Compare to English accent which uses stress some syllables, Japanese pronunciation sounds flat. For instance,
Japanese Some English speakers
おはようございます。 おはようございます。
Popular Japanese textbooks
Useful free online sites:
n5 listening with script, n4 listening with script, n3 listening with script
minna no nihongo listening 1-25, minna no nihongo kaiwa 1-25
minna no nihongo grammar 1-25,
try n5,
Greetings: あいさつ(aisatsu)
Verbs 動詞 (dooshi) : Japanese verbs conjugate
Verb conjugation: Japanese verbs conjugate (there are rules)
Bellow, just show you a dictionary form

5W 1H: いつitsu, どこでdokode, だれがdarega, なにをnanio,
なぜnaze, どのようにdonoyouni,

どこでたべますかDoko de tabemasuka (Where do you eat?)
★Useful expressions (there are many)
May I have ---?
Shall we ---?
★Particle: は、が、で、に、を、へ、etc,.
Onomatopoeia (Japanese use a lot)
★How to call days of the week?

★How to call family members?:かぞくKazoku